A digital authorization allows your recipient to electronically sign your authorization terms. This article will walk you through creating and sharing a digital authorization with a recipient. If you are looking for instructions on creating a physical authorization, see Add an existing physical authorization.

Note: You must be in a paid plan to create and share authorizations.


Process Overview

  1. The process starts when you need to get authorization to send transfers (credits or debits) from one of your originating Companies to a new or existing Recipient in ACH Pro.
  2. In order for the Recipient to manage and view the authorization, you will need to configure user portal emails for the Recipient. These emails will be able to create accounts in the authorization portal and then view, sign and revoke authorizations for the Recipient.
  3. If this is the first authorization for your Company, you will need to configure a user-facing name and logo that will be displayed on all authorizations for this Company.
  4. You must create at least one set of revocation terms. These terms describe the terms by which a Recipient can revoke their authorization for the specified ACH transfers.
  5. In addition, you may optionally create variance terms (these are required if you need to create an authorization with variable amounts). These terms describe why the amounts are variable.
  6. When you create a new digital authorization for the Recipient, you will need to provide details such as the type and amount of the transfers.
  7. When you finish creating the authorization, the user portal emails for the Recipient will be notified and the authorization will be available in the portal.

Detailed Instructions

These instructions follow the overview above. They are written as if this is the first authorization you have created within ACH Pro. Some of the steps are only needed the first time or when you want to make configuration changes.

  1. A Recipient will need to exist within ACH Pro in order to have an authorization attached to it. See Recipients/Companies for instructions on creating a Recipient.